Becoming a "super Christian" ...
I've been thinking a lot about something one of my friends said to me recently. They said that since I'm off to Bible college I'm going to become a "super Christian". To that I say, "I don't think so Tim". (NB: their name isn't 'Tim' but it's a reference to Home Improvement ... never mind.) But in the same breath I'd say, "I really hope so". Confused? Let me explain ...
I'm excited about the opportunity to grow in my love for God as I grow to know Him better through His Word but just because I'm learning to understand it in Greek and Hebrew and learning polysyllabic words (i.e. words of more than one syllable) doesn't make me a "super Christian".
Paul writes to the Ephesians and says, "There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all." (Eph 4:4-6, NASB) It's the same spirit that's working in you and me to make us all like Christ. I don't get a "more advanced" version of the Holy Spirit just because I'm now studying in Greek and Hebrew and know a few big words. Doing this stuff doesn't make you a "super Christian".
Paul says elsewhere that "knowledge makes arrogant, but love edifies" (1 Cor 8:1, NASB). A "super Christian", from where I'm sitting, is one who uses their knowledge, talents, resources etc in a way that is edifying to others (i.e. builds up and encourages others). The danger for me, in fact, is that I won't become a "super Christian". The danger is that I won't use my knowledge of God to build others up but will instead become arrogant. The danger is that studying God's Word will become an academic exercise rather than causing me to grow to become more like Christ. Please pray that I will become a true "super Christian"!
Well said! I will be praying for you to become that too!
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